Interview With VALE OF MISCREATION ( Albuquerque, New Mexico, Usa )
Interview With VALE OF MISCREATION ( Albuquerque, New Mexico, Usa )

Update 10-12-2008 By Herry SIC
Forming in February of 2006, Vale of Miscreation began their musical journey to achieve the seemingly elusive elements of both catchiness and technicality, both of which rarely show up together in the same band. We are comprised of 5 unique individuals, all of whom bring their own influences and sonic ideals together to form a vessel of extreme music. In 2007 we were picked up by Dead World Syndicate Records and set out to release "Emergence Within the Corridor of Unholy Lacerations", available March 2008, which has been labeled as a "Slab of Technical Mastery". Since then we have shared the stage with very many prominent bands and hope to become one ourselves in a scene that we are all proud to be a part of.
A few bands we have shared the stage with:
Cephalic Carnage
Job For A Cowboy
Beneath The Massacre
Suicide Silence
The Faceless
Winds of Plague
Brain Drill
Viral Load
Guttural Secrete
Forming in February of 2006, Vale of Miscreation began their musical journey to achieve the seemingly elusive elements of both catchiness and technicality, both of which rarely show up together in the same band. We are comprised of 5 unique individuals, all of whom bring their own influences and sonic ideals together to form a vessel of extreme music. In 2007 we were picked up by Dead World Syndicate Records and set out to release "Emergence Within the Corridor of Unholy Lacerations", available March 2008, which has been labeled as a "Slab of Technical Mastery". Since then we have shared the stage with very many prominent bands and hope to become one ourselves in a scene that we are all proud to be a part of.
A few bands we have shared the stage with:
Cephalic Carnage
Job For A Cowboy
Beneath The Massacre
Suicide Silence
The Faceless
Winds of Plague
Brain Drill
Viral Load
Guttural Secrete

Answering by Justin ( Drums )
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the VALE OF MISCREATION ( VOM ) camp?
Well, right now we are just a three piece consisting of me (justin/drums), kenny on bass, and daryl on guitar. We recently had lost our guitarist and most recent vocalist and are looking for dedicated musicians to fill those shoes.
First time, congratulation for Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Dead World Syndicate Records , that label doing some Great Job for VOM ?
DWSR has done alot for us since pretty much the start of this band and we really appreciate everything he has done to help get us exposure to the states as well as the rest of the globe. We are, for the most part, happy with the recording, but feel we have become more mature with our song writing process. I would say that those who have the recording take it for what it is, which is technical, brutal, and catchy all in one. I think right now VOM will be taking a step back and some time off to reconstruct the band and fine tune the direction we want to take this project.
why This Cd Use Only some " Long Word " for Title song Inside ??
Well, the titles of the songs, i think, stem from our former vocalist's as well as some of our influences by black metal bands we listen to. We've recently decided to take a more compact approach to the titles we will have in future releases.
It seems like the debut CD “ Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations ” on 2007 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
Haha. i honesty can't say. I think we have only had a couple reviews to my knowledge, but as i search the web i find forums related to VOM stemming from the czech and russian areas and also central and south american areas. From what i'm able to read or understand there seem to be more compliments than critisism which is really inspiring.
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the VALE OF MISCREATION ( VOM ) camp?
Well, right now we are just a three piece consisting of me (justin/drums), kenny on bass, and daryl on guitar. We recently had lost our guitarist and most recent vocalist and are looking for dedicated musicians to fill those shoes.
First time, congratulation for Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Dead World Syndicate Records , that label doing some Great Job for VOM ?
DWSR has done alot for us since pretty much the start of this band and we really appreciate everything he has done to help get us exposure to the states as well as the rest of the globe. We are, for the most part, happy with the recording, but feel we have become more mature with our song writing process. I would say that those who have the recording take it for what it is, which is technical, brutal, and catchy all in one. I think right now VOM will be taking a step back and some time off to reconstruct the band and fine tune the direction we want to take this project.
why This Cd Use Only some " Long Word " for Title song Inside ??
Well, the titles of the songs, i think, stem from our former vocalist's as well as some of our influences by black metal bands we listen to. We've recently decided to take a more compact approach to the titles we will have in future releases.
It seems like the debut CD “ Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations ” on 2007 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
Haha. i honesty can't say. I think we have only had a couple reviews to my knowledge, but as i search the web i find forums related to VOM stemming from the czech and russian areas and also central and south american areas. From what i'm able to read or understand there seem to be more compliments than critisism which is really inspiring.

" Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations " is VOM most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Death metal With some technical release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept ?
This band consists of separate, individual entities. We all have common and unique tastes in music and bring that to the song writing process every time we begin to write something new. i don't really think we sit down and say to eachother that this is the way a song should sound or feel, we really just write what we feel is good music and hope that it's well excepted among our listeners. we will continue to be technical and brutal, but also want that catch or hook to keep people interested.
How Compared " Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations" with Older Concept stuff ?
at this point in the band's existence "emergence" is our older concept of music. all songs that are on the recording were the first we wrote together as a band. we hope to progress from here.
There seems to be an even bigger influence present in thesesongs that on the likes of " Ejaculating perdition upon monuments of benevolence " and " Augmenting the physical world of invisible thought " give way to a much more Gory evil and bombastic VOM than ever. How much of a part do classical composers play in terms of influencing the way you create your music?
yes. you're right. those are two of our more lyrically darker songs. we really try to stay away from the whole gore metal approach and more towards the intellectual side of music. I'm the drummer so my influences mostly come from modern day drummers, but i do know our guitarists and bassist are heavily influence by classical composers, particularly J.S. Bach.
This band consists of separate, individual entities. We all have common and unique tastes in music and bring that to the song writing process every time we begin to write something new. i don't really think we sit down and say to eachother that this is the way a song should sound or feel, we really just write what we feel is good music and hope that it's well excepted among our listeners. we will continue to be technical and brutal, but also want that catch or hook to keep people interested.
How Compared " Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations" with Older Concept stuff ?
at this point in the band's existence "emergence" is our older concept of music. all songs that are on the recording were the first we wrote together as a band. we hope to progress from here.
There seems to be an even bigger influence present in thesesongs that on the likes of " Ejaculating perdition upon monuments of benevolence " and " Augmenting the physical world of invisible thought " give way to a much more Gory evil and bombastic VOM than ever. How much of a part do classical composers play in terms of influencing the way you create your music?
yes. you're right. those are two of our more lyrically darker songs. we really try to stay away from the whole gore metal approach and more towards the intellectual side of music. I'm the drummer so my influences mostly come from modern day drummers, but i do know our guitarists and bassist are heavily influence by classical composers, particularly J.S. Bach.

Basing the lyrical concept of this album around the perverse yet Violent gore death related to the acceptance of Gore saints, symbols and Sarcastic words into the Gore theme is something VOM have explored on and off on the Cover album " Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations ". From what angle have you approached this subject on "Emergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations"?
to me i feel "emergence" is in a way a concept album. the lyrical themes are strongly based upon depression, degradation, corruption, and religious themes. we wanted the cover art to portray the lyrical content of the songs as well as the feeling the music gives.
Production-wise "Infernal Torture " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding VOM please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity thatEmergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
we actually never took this album to a studio. it was recorded in a bedroom of kenny's (bass) former residence. we were excited to have a record label show much interest in us and just wanted to put a recording out. We didn't really discuss too much how we wanted it to sound, we just wanted to take what little home recording equipment we had and get something solid out. Kenny wrote all our songs out so we had an exact tempo map to record to and then we all just jammed. as i said earlier we are pleased with the way it turned out, for the most part. i think we all feel the production could be better, but it came out well for how it was recorded.
Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
speaking for myself, there are one or two spots i'm not completely pleased with on my parts, but don't dwell on it. Again, considering the way it was recorded and not in a studio, we feel like it came out pretty solid all and all. we sent the mix out to be mastered by an outside source and did have a say in that process as well, though we feel some improvements still could have been made there as well.
to me i feel "emergence" is in a way a concept album. the lyrical themes are strongly based upon depression, degradation, corruption, and religious themes. we wanted the cover art to portray the lyrical content of the songs as well as the feeling the music gives.
Production-wise "Infernal Torture " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding VOM please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity thatEmergence Within The Corridor Of Unholy Lacerations twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
we actually never took this album to a studio. it was recorded in a bedroom of kenny's (bass) former residence. we were excited to have a record label show much interest in us and just wanted to put a recording out. We didn't really discuss too much how we wanted it to sound, we just wanted to take what little home recording equipment we had and get something solid out. Kenny wrote all our songs out so we had an exact tempo map to record to and then we all just jammed. as i said earlier we are pleased with the way it turned out, for the most part. i think we all feel the production could be better, but it came out well for how it was recorded.
Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
speaking for myself, there are one or two spots i'm not completely pleased with on my parts, but don't dwell on it. Again, considering the way it was recorded and not in a studio, we feel like it came out pretty solid all and all. we sent the mix out to be mastered by an outside source and did have a say in that process as well, though we feel some improvements still could have been made there as well.

All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
to be honest we haven't got to really hit the road due to our work schedules. we have been sticking to weekend shows out of town and local shows. we did have some crazy moments on the road by ourselves and with victimas, heading to california and oklahoma. on a trip home the axle to our trailer bent causing the wheel to push against the wheel well. smoke was pouring out that thing like no other. We got stuck in no mans land for a few hours and had to deal with redneck assholes but finally got home. Although we didn't tour with them, I'd have to say opening up for Beneath the Massacre or Decapitated had to be some of our favorite experiences. Both bands are full of amazing musicians and they are all down to earth. It was great to hear from both bands how much they enjoyed our music as well.
What would be the ultimate Technical Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-).
oh man. cephalic carnage, beneath the massacre, braindrill, sleep terror, necrophagist, the faceless, the list can really go on and on. we would love to have the opportunity to share the road and stage with any and all those bands.
How are Death metal Movement on Albuquerque, New Mexico scene ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from this scene ??
i think the metal scene here is getting bigger and stronger. more brutal bands continue to pop up all the time as the younger crowd becomes more into the scene. a few bad ass band i can name would be noisear, victimas, and fields of elysium. Its also kind of nice to see some of the "hardcore" scene usually known to be complete posers and always hated by the death metal crowd out at some shows supporting and starting to appreciate the brutal tech shit out there..
to be honest we haven't got to really hit the road due to our work schedules. we have been sticking to weekend shows out of town and local shows. we did have some crazy moments on the road by ourselves and with victimas, heading to california and oklahoma. on a trip home the axle to our trailer bent causing the wheel to push against the wheel well. smoke was pouring out that thing like no other. We got stuck in no mans land for a few hours and had to deal with redneck assholes but finally got home. Although we didn't tour with them, I'd have to say opening up for Beneath the Massacre or Decapitated had to be some of our favorite experiences. Both bands are full of amazing musicians and they are all down to earth. It was great to hear from both bands how much they enjoyed our music as well.
What would be the ultimate Technical Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-).
oh man. cephalic carnage, beneath the massacre, braindrill, sleep terror, necrophagist, the faceless, the list can really go on and on. we would love to have the opportunity to share the road and stage with any and all those bands.
How are Death metal Movement on Albuquerque, New Mexico scene ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from this scene ??
i think the metal scene here is getting bigger and stronger. more brutal bands continue to pop up all the time as the younger crowd becomes more into the scene. a few bad ass band i can name would be noisear, victimas, and fields of elysium. Its also kind of nice to see some of the "hardcore" scene usually known to be complete posers and always hated by the death metal crowd out at some shows supporting and starting to appreciate the brutal tech shit out there..

simple Question with your Opinion :
- How fuckin Kickin Riffing : Jeremy Of Origin sound or Jesse Pindato ( RIP ) of Terrorizer / Napalm Death / lock Up ?
Damn, Love both! but if i had to choose I'd say jeremy
- How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully : Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN ??
John Longstreth, hands down
- How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment ??
- who fuckin 4 string hell Bassist for now from VOM ??
I'm not sure what you're asking haha! but I'll answer what i'm assuming it to be. Our bass player has always been Kenny, he has several basses but loves jamming one of his six strings, its kinda crazy how we found him (through myspace actually) and he has the ability to play what he does
are you hearing like stuff from Britney Spears, Fall Out Boy, Any videogame soundtrack beside technical Death metal as well ??
Fuck britney spears and fuck fall out boy!! :-) We actually consider some of our tapping riffs "video game worship" like in that song "nauseating..." and "affinity....."
Any Future next Plan soon VOM ??
Well we thought we were going strong and with a new vocalist were really fucking excited to just keep progressing in our song writing, especially since we felt he fit our music so well. With his recent departure due to personal reasons outside of the band, we are going to take the time to step back as a band and try to write some more brutal, and hopefully improved music. We all want to improve our musicianship and song writing and in the process, we will find a new vocalist and come back stronger than ever!
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them? Damn haha it is a doozy!
Well honestly I'd have to answer from a paranoid side of things. I think there are benefits to the research and the crazy shit we have in our future, but with america's corrupt ass government and the "struggle for power" I'm very wary of the research and what the fuck they will do with it to make us more into sheep than ever.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha.
keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
- How fuckin Kickin Riffing : Jeremy Of Origin sound or Jesse Pindato ( RIP ) of Terrorizer / Napalm Death / lock Up ?
Damn, Love both! but if i had to choose I'd say jeremy
- How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully : Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN ??
John Longstreth, hands down
- How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment ??
- who fuckin 4 string hell Bassist for now from VOM ??
I'm not sure what you're asking haha! but I'll answer what i'm assuming it to be. Our bass player has always been Kenny, he has several basses but loves jamming one of his six strings, its kinda crazy how we found him (through myspace actually) and he has the ability to play what he does
are you hearing like stuff from Britney Spears, Fall Out Boy, Any videogame soundtrack beside technical Death metal as well ??
Fuck britney spears and fuck fall out boy!! :-) We actually consider some of our tapping riffs "video game worship" like in that song "nauseating..." and "affinity....."
Any Future next Plan soon VOM ??
Well we thought we were going strong and with a new vocalist were really fucking excited to just keep progressing in our song writing, especially since we felt he fit our music so well. With his recent departure due to personal reasons outside of the band, we are going to take the time to step back as a band and try to write some more brutal, and hopefully improved music. We all want to improve our musicianship and song writing and in the process, we will find a new vocalist and come back stronger than ever!
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them? Damn haha it is a doozy!
Well honestly I'd have to answer from a paranoid side of things. I think there are benefits to the research and the crazy shit we have in our future, but with america's corrupt ass government and the "struggle for power" I'm very wary of the research and what the fuck they will do with it to make us more into sheep than ever.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha.
keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!

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