Interview With NAFRAT ( Singapore City, Singapore )
Interview With NAFRAT ( Singapore City, Singapore )

Update 31.01.2009 By Herry SIC
Interview Answered By Sahail ( Guitars )
Nafrat was born in the summer of 2003, consisting of Nazak (Vox), Sahail( Guitars),Naar(Guitars),Zadgaroth(Bass)and Jahannam(Drums), Ahmazeth and Azrael(Bass)also played with us for two consecutive live shows.Due to some unfortunate and unforseen events,they are no longer with us.The band went on to record their first demo called "Chaos Unleashed" in early 2005.It received positive reactions across the South East Asian underground scene.But it did not stopped there.The sequel to the band's second demo came in November 2005 when they released the demo "Invoking The Masses".The limited copies were sold out at their promo launch gig:Chaos Aftermath.The new copies of the demo was re-pressed again but will only be for distribution purposes only.Late June 2005,we called upon Saraph,as our new bassist to complete the line-up. After a few months with the band, Saraph left the band without a note in the beginning but the issue was resolved a few weeks later after that. Unfortunately, Nazak had to leave the band in December 2008 to fully utilize his time for family and career. Our latest addition to the frontline brute force, Sethra, will take over the duties of Nazak as our new vocalist. Nafrat completed the recording of their full-length album entitled "Through Imminent Visions" and has then be released since June 2008. Our latest line-up: Sethra (Vocals), Sahail (Guitar), Naar (Guitar) and Jahannam (Drums)
Interview Answered By Sahail ( Guitars )
Nafrat was born in the summer of 2003, consisting of Nazak (Vox), Sahail( Guitars),Naar(Guitars),Zadgaroth(Bass)and Jahannam(Drums), Ahmazeth and Azrael(Bass)also played with us for two consecutive live shows.Due to some unfortunate and unforseen events,they are no longer with us.The band went on to record their first demo called "Chaos Unleashed" in early 2005.It received positive reactions across the South East Asian underground scene.But it did not stopped there.The sequel to the band's second demo came in November 2005 when they released the demo "Invoking The Masses".The limited copies were sold out at their promo launch gig:Chaos Aftermath.The new copies of the demo was re-pressed again but will only be for distribution purposes only.Late June 2005,we called upon Saraph,as our new bassist to complete the line-up. After a few months with the band, Saraph left the band without a note in the beginning but the issue was resolved a few weeks later after that. Unfortunately, Nazak had to leave the band in December 2008 to fully utilize his time for family and career. Our latest addition to the frontline brute force, Sethra, will take over the duties of Nazak as our new vocalist. Nafrat completed the recording of their full-length album entitled "Through Imminent Visions" and has then be released since June 2008. Our latest line-up: Sethra (Vocals), Sahail (Guitar), Naar (Guitar) and Jahannam (Drums)

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the NAFRAT camp?
Nafrat : Hi Lost In Chaos zine. Nafrat is made up of Sethra( Vocals), Naar(Guitars), Sahail(Guitars) and Jahannam(Drums).
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Through Imminent Visions ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Vrykoblast Productions ( hello Guys From Vrykolakas !! .ed ) , that label doing some Great Job for NAFRAT ?
Thank you for the wishes. There were mixed reactions towards "Through Imminent Visions" where many of them in Singapore were expecting something that they have heard from our previous demos/Eps. It was positive from those who were keen on the direction and musical concept that we took in "Through Imminent Visions" whereas there were some saying that they prefer us to be playing straightforward brutal death metal as in our older releases. Personally, we like to try out different things for ourselves and this album was an example that we took wanting to show a different side of us. So I guess we are fine with these reactions as it does help us to realize our potential and capabilities to advance. We are satisfied with the turnout of the release in terms of production, distribution and the steps that we took to make this release possible. Furthermore, its our debut full-length effort and the great response and critics have been a great motivation for us to do more for the next one. The band is doing great right now with a new vocalist in the band. Also in the process, we are working on new material as well as trying out a new bassist for the band hoping to advance more for the next album. Working with Vrykoblast Productions has been good as the guys have been promoting our stuff well locally and regionally. It has been a priviledge for us to work with them and we are grateful that they made it all possible.More fans of the genre have been checking our music and that's a great thing.
Nafrat : Hi Lost In Chaos zine. Nafrat is made up of Sethra( Vocals), Naar(Guitars), Sahail(Guitars) and Jahannam(Drums).
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Through Imminent Visions ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Vrykoblast Productions ( hello Guys From Vrykolakas !! .ed ) , that label doing some Great Job for NAFRAT ?
Thank you for the wishes. There were mixed reactions towards "Through Imminent Visions" where many of them in Singapore were expecting something that they have heard from our previous demos/Eps. It was positive from those who were keen on the direction and musical concept that we took in "Through Imminent Visions" whereas there were some saying that they prefer us to be playing straightforward brutal death metal as in our older releases. Personally, we like to try out different things for ourselves and this album was an example that we took wanting to show a different side of us. So I guess we are fine with these reactions as it does help us to realize our potential and capabilities to advance. We are satisfied with the turnout of the release in terms of production, distribution and the steps that we took to make this release possible. Furthermore, its our debut full-length effort and the great response and critics have been a great motivation for us to do more for the next one. The band is doing great right now with a new vocalist in the band. Also in the process, we are working on new material as well as trying out a new bassist for the band hoping to advance more for the next album. Working with Vrykoblast Productions has been good as the guys have been promoting our stuff well locally and regionally. It has been a priviledge for us to work with them and we are grateful that they made it all possible.More fans of the genre have been checking our music and that's a great thing.

It seems like the debut new CD “Through Imminent Visions ” on 2008 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
Yeah we appreciate the good response coming from the fans and reviews have been positive saying that it's quite a unique release. We are happy if we have achieved that because there are tons of bands out there and its quite a challenge to have your own identity to the music. The best review that we received was from Odiumediae, a German-based online zine which gave us a 9.5 out of 10! As for the worst review, it has got to be from supremebrutality. net . The reviewer certainly has good high expectations when looking into a band and unfortunately we didn't fall into that category of his. Hahaha...
"Through Imminent Visions " is NAFRAT most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept
When we had the idea of releasing this debut album, we went into the studios writing songs with a different concept. As compared to the previous releases, the songs in "Through Imminent Visions" had different riff patterns, drum fills and time signatures. I think we have matured in the writing style and we had an open mind when writing the songs compared to the way we wrote the old songs when all we wanted was just straight-up brutality.Back then, it was more about impressing rather than expressing the music. We just let it flow naturally these days. Bottomline, we just try to make it sound as interesting and push our limits further as we could without any restrictions this time.
How Compared "Through Imminent Visions " with Demo " Invoking the Masses " and " Chaos Unleashed " ? are you enjoy with Music Progression for now ??
We are pleased with the progression that we made with "Through Imminent Visions". The older releases were a stepping stone for us as every band has got to start somewhere. No regrets about that. I can say that we enjoy writing our music with an open mind now and at the same time playing it intensely, finding the right balance. Hopefully, more progress to come in the future.
give way to a much more Gory Dark evil and bombastic NAFRAT than ever. How much of a part do classical composers play in terms of influencing the way you create your music?
I'm not sure if the guys listen to Bach or Beethoven that much. Haha. But I can say we do have ancient ethnic influences in our music that plays a huge role and we are proud of that. The likelihood of injecting these influences are quite obvious in the dark melodies that were present in our music. I guess every band needs to find their place in the music and this should be ours.
Yeah we appreciate the good response coming from the fans and reviews have been positive saying that it's quite a unique release. We are happy if we have achieved that because there are tons of bands out there and its quite a challenge to have your own identity to the music. The best review that we received was from Odiumediae, a German-based online zine which gave us a 9.5 out of 10! As for the worst review, it has got to be from supremebrutality. net . The reviewer certainly has good high expectations when looking into a band and unfortunately we didn't fall into that category of his. Hahaha...
"Through Imminent Visions " is NAFRAT most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept
When we had the idea of releasing this debut album, we went into the studios writing songs with a different concept. As compared to the previous releases, the songs in "Through Imminent Visions" had different riff patterns, drum fills and time signatures. I think we have matured in the writing style and we had an open mind when writing the songs compared to the way we wrote the old songs when all we wanted was just straight-up brutality.Back then, it was more about impressing rather than expressing the music. We just let it flow naturally these days. Bottomline, we just try to make it sound as interesting and push our limits further as we could without any restrictions this time.
How Compared "Through Imminent Visions " with Demo " Invoking the Masses " and " Chaos Unleashed " ? are you enjoy with Music Progression for now ??
We are pleased with the progression that we made with "Through Imminent Visions". The older releases were a stepping stone for us as every band has got to start somewhere. No regrets about that. I can say that we enjoy writing our music with an open mind now and at the same time playing it intensely, finding the right balance. Hopefully, more progress to come in the future.
give way to a much more Gory Dark evil and bombastic NAFRAT than ever. How much of a part do classical composers play in terms of influencing the way you create your music?
I'm not sure if the guys listen to Bach or Beethoven that much. Haha. But I can say we do have ancient ethnic influences in our music that plays a huge role and we are proud of that. The likelihood of injecting these influences are quite obvious in the dark melodies that were present in our music. I guess every band needs to find their place in the music and this should be ours.

Basing the lyrical concept of this album around the perverse Death, War, Supremacy, Annihilation related to the acceptance of saints, symbols and Sarcastic words into the Death theme is something NAFRAT have explored on and off on the Cover album " Through Imminent Visions ". From what angle have you approached this subject on "Through Imminent Visions "?
The lyrical concept in "Through Imminent Visions" explores issues from various topics that were based on the past, present and future. The world and dimension that we live in has a huge amount of impact to our daily lives and "Through Imminent Visions" is one outlet that we expressed our thoughts . "Through Imminent Visions" talks about how our surroundings and events have affected us in a either a good or bad way and what it leads to.
Production-wise " Through Imminent Visions " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding NAFRAT please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
As I mentioned earlier, the initial idea of how the album should sound like, we tried to avoid restrictions for example how brutal it should be, how fast and so on. The idea of trying new things and focusing on the dynamics of the songs were taken priority. As much as we can, we wanted it to be catchy, interesting and unique as well.
Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
Actually we managed to compromise between what the band wants for the record and what the engineer/producer suggested. The recording sessions were great as we both wanted the best interest for the production. The working relationship was awesome and we had a great time recording it.Yes we had the call for the final mix and mastering as the producer checks with us regularly on the state of the tracks and we were thankful for that.
All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
I won't say tours but sharing stages with awesome bands was a great experience. I think the best shows we had with some great bands were like Deathguy(Thailand), Innards Decay(Malaysia), Vrykolakas. The worst thing that happened to us was that we had to miss the Indonesian tour with Siksakubur last year as we were busy in the studios for the album production. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity for that.
How about NAFRAT guest appearance at Slaughterhouse Massacre ?? This freaking enjoy Gigz ??
Nafrat's appearance at Slaughterhouse Massacre was a bit strange for some as the bands sharing the stage that day were from different genres like metalcore, deathcore and stuff like that. We chose to play as we hope to promote our music to a different kind of crowd without thinking of the boundaries. The crowd received it well and even the metalheads came down to checkout the show. It was a fun experience.
The lyrical concept in "Through Imminent Visions" explores issues from various topics that were based on the past, present and future. The world and dimension that we live in has a huge amount of impact to our daily lives and "Through Imminent Visions" is one outlet that we expressed our thoughts . "Through Imminent Visions" talks about how our surroundings and events have affected us in a either a good or bad way and what it leads to.
Production-wise " Through Imminent Visions " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding NAFRAT please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
As I mentioned earlier, the initial idea of how the album should sound like, we tried to avoid restrictions for example how brutal it should be, how fast and so on. The idea of trying new things and focusing on the dynamics of the songs were taken priority. As much as we can, we wanted it to be catchy, interesting and unique as well.
Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
Actually we managed to compromise between what the band wants for the record and what the engineer/producer suggested. The recording sessions were great as we both wanted the best interest for the production. The working relationship was awesome and we had a great time recording it.Yes we had the call for the final mix and mastering as the producer checks with us regularly on the state of the tracks and we were thankful for that.
All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
I won't say tours but sharing stages with awesome bands was a great experience. I think the best shows we had with some great bands were like Deathguy(Thailand), Innards Decay(Malaysia), Vrykolakas. The worst thing that happened to us was that we had to miss the Indonesian tour with Siksakubur last year as we were busy in the studios for the album production. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity for that.
How about NAFRAT guest appearance at Slaughterhouse Massacre ?? This freaking enjoy Gigz ??
Nafrat's appearance at Slaughterhouse Massacre was a bit strange for some as the bands sharing the stage that day were from different genres like metalcore, deathcore and stuff like that. We chose to play as we hope to promote our music to a different kind of crowd without thinking of the boundaries. The crowd received it well and even the metalheads came down to checkout the show. It was a fun experience.

What would be the ultimate Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-)
That is a good question. We would love to play Deathfeast Open Air in Germany some day. If we stand a chance. Haha. Would be awesome to play with the following bands. Origin, Deeds of Flesh, Spawn of Possession, Psycroptic, Necrophagist, Gorgasm, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Suffocation, Kronos and Cephalic Carnage. Probably thats a bit too much to ask for right? Haha.
Tell me About NAFRAT new Vocalist Now, are you Enjoy work with Him ??
So far its been awesome. He's a great guy to work with and has the huge drive in him that wants to keep on improving. A very humble personality and he's so comfortable being a frontman for the band. The response we got after he did the shows has been very positive we hope to keep in that way.
How are Death metal Movement on Singapore City scene ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about News from Impiety, Doxomedon, Vrykolakas, Totenkopf, Camp ??How about High recommend for new comer band from this scene ??
Deathmetal movement in Singapore hasn't been really good or bad either. Its a small scene here but there are bands around keeping it alive.Impiety has been good and is still brutalizing with a new album out. I'm not too sure about Doxomedon but some of the bandmates are playing in different bands right now. The guys from Vrykolakas has released their Discography CD. New upcoming bands like Memphisto and Whorehouse Butchery have great potential and are worth checking out.
That is a good question. We would love to play Deathfeast Open Air in Germany some day. If we stand a chance. Haha. Would be awesome to play with the following bands. Origin, Deeds of Flesh, Spawn of Possession, Psycroptic, Necrophagist, Gorgasm, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Suffocation, Kronos and Cephalic Carnage. Probably thats a bit too much to ask for right? Haha.
Tell me About NAFRAT new Vocalist Now, are you Enjoy work with Him ??
So far its been awesome. He's a great guy to work with and has the huge drive in him that wants to keep on improving. A very humble personality and he's so comfortable being a frontman for the band. The response we got after he did the shows has been very positive we hope to keep in that way.
How are Death metal Movement on Singapore City scene ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about News from Impiety, Doxomedon, Vrykolakas, Totenkopf, Camp ??How about High recommend for new comer band from this scene ??
Deathmetal movement in Singapore hasn't been really good or bad either. Its a small scene here but there are bands around keeping it alive.Impiety has been good and is still brutalizing with a new album out. I'm not too sure about Doxomedon but some of the bandmates are playing in different bands right now. The guys from Vrykolakas has released their Discography CD. New upcoming bands like Memphisto and Whorehouse Butchery have great potential and are worth checking out.

simple Question with your Opinion :
- How fuckin Kickin Riffing : Diego Sanchez of Disgorge or Jeremy Of Origin sound or Jesse Pindato ( RIP ) of Terrorizer / Napalm Death / lock Up ?
My pick would be Jeremy Turner.
- How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully : Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN ??
I choose John Longstreth.
- How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment ??
Levi of Disgorge.
Any Future next Plan soon NAFRAT ??
We hope to play in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand this year in promotion of "Through Imminent Visions" and meet more people. Haha. At the same time, start working on the new songs for the next release and hopefully everything turns out well for us.
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them?
I think the world is already a crazy place. I won't be surpised if you have flying cars in the near future. People are so smart these days and hundreds of discoveries have been made each year. I will probably make use of the advancement myself too if I were to benefit from it.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thank you for the interest in this interview and thanks for the support of Nafrat. We wish you all the best with Lost In Chaos. Cheers to the Indonesian Brutal deathmetal scene!
Discografy :
Chaos Unleashed Demo, 2005
Invoking the Masses Demo, 2005
Through Imminent Visions Full-length, 2008
- How fuckin Kickin Riffing : Diego Sanchez of Disgorge or Jeremy Of Origin sound or Jesse Pindato ( RIP ) of Terrorizer / Napalm Death / lock Up ?
My pick would be Jeremy Turner.
- How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully : Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN ??
I choose John Longstreth.
- How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment ??
Levi of Disgorge.
Any Future next Plan soon NAFRAT ??
We hope to play in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand this year in promotion of "Through Imminent Visions" and meet more people. Haha. At the same time, start working on the new songs for the next release and hopefully everything turns out well for us.
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them?
I think the world is already a crazy place. I won't be surpised if you have flying cars in the near future. People are so smart these days and hundreds of discoveries have been made each year. I will probably make use of the advancement myself too if I were to benefit from it.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thank you for the interest in this interview and thanks for the support of Nafrat. We wish you all the best with Lost In Chaos. Cheers to the Indonesian Brutal deathmetal scene!
Discografy :
Chaos Unleashed Demo, 2005
Invoking the Masses Demo, 2005
Through Imminent Visions Full-length, 2008
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