Interview With CARNAL DECAY ( Switzerland )
Interview With CARNAL DECAY ( Switzerland )

See you guys out on the road !!!
Michael and Carnal Decay
Carnal Decay Demo, 2003
Grotesque First Action Split, 2006
Carnal Pleasures Full-length, 2006
Chopping Off the Head Full-length, 2008

Update 27-01-2009 Interview By Herry SIC
Answered By Michael (Vox and Bass)
Hello! who is currently situated in the CARNAL DECAY ( CD ) camp? I see on CD myspace, CD back from Mexico !!!', tell me for some nice mexican Gigz scene there :)
Hello !!! Well we had a great time in mexico, especially the secon half of the tour together with our brothers from Rottenness, Covenance, Eternal Ruin and Nothingness. Is was a hell of a heat then in Cancun, when we landed at 23:00 the outside temperature was still 28°C and the humidity was brutal ! to steps out of the aircraft and we were sweating our asses off. We're more used to the cold snow weather in switzerland hehehe. Well the gigs were fantastic, we allways had a good crowd that was in a very good mood, kicking their asses. And maaaaaaany drunk people :-) The Oranization was mostly done by Jaleel from Rottenness and he did a very good job, we allways had good food (tacos that burn twice, first when you're eating, next time when you're shitting). And never had to less beer :-)
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Chopping Off the Head ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job for new label, Fastbeast Entertainment for release this new stuff??
Thanks !!! Well Fastbeast is a swiss based label, that's one of the reasons that we really appreciated, we know the guys that run the label and we were making the contracts in one of the guys garden while we were having some beers and BBQ, not every band can do that hehe. We have a good contact to them and they support us in every way they're able to. I mean we've got hoodies, zippers, girlies, shirts, stickers all done by the label, we never had to care about that stuff. The reaction on the new CD was very good, i never saw a bad review about it (well i dont really care about the reviews but the ones i saw were pretty cool). Also the people on the gigs are reacting very good on the new songs, it seems like we became a little more catchy. At the moment we're writing some new stuff for a next albumm which is planned to come out in 2010. But that's all in the stars till now :-)
Answered By Michael (Vox and Bass)
Hello! who is currently situated in the CARNAL DECAY ( CD ) camp? I see on CD myspace, CD back from Mexico !!!', tell me for some nice mexican Gigz scene there :)
Hello !!! Well we had a great time in mexico, especially the secon half of the tour together with our brothers from Rottenness, Covenance, Eternal Ruin and Nothingness. Is was a hell of a heat then in Cancun, when we landed at 23:00 the outside temperature was still 28°C and the humidity was brutal ! to steps out of the aircraft and we were sweating our asses off. We're more used to the cold snow weather in switzerland hehehe. Well the gigs were fantastic, we allways had a good crowd that was in a very good mood, kicking their asses. And maaaaaaany drunk people :-) The Oranization was mostly done by Jaleel from Rottenness and he did a very good job, we allways had good food (tacos that burn twice, first when you're eating, next time when you're shitting). And never had to less beer :-)
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Chopping Off the Head ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job for new label, Fastbeast Entertainment for release this new stuff??
Thanks !!! Well Fastbeast is a swiss based label, that's one of the reasons that we really appreciated, we know the guys that run the label and we were making the contracts in one of the guys garden while we were having some beers and BBQ, not every band can do that hehe. We have a good contact to them and they support us in every way they're able to. I mean we've got hoodies, zippers, girlies, shirts, stickers all done by the label, we never had to care about that stuff. The reaction on the new CD was very good, i never saw a bad review about it (well i dont really care about the reviews but the ones i saw were pretty cool). Also the people on the gigs are reacting very good on the new songs, it seems like we became a little more catchy. At the moment we're writing some new stuff for a next albumm which is planned to come out in 2010. But that's all in the stars till now :-)

tell me, How response first time moment " Chopping Off the Head " Cd released? what CD keep some doing Any gig promotion for now?
Well we had the release of the CD on the Mountains of Death Festival in August 08. So that was the first time people heard some new stuff from Carnal Decay and from my view it seemed like the reaction was very good hahaha.
For a brutal fuckin' Deathmetal album , it's as extremely attitude for some female Guitarist & Frontgirl. but you're is keep kickin Riffing perform just for the best Music extreme creation, What are the conceptual topics and theme(s) of the this album? I see too for some Violence, Gore, Death.
Yes we have a lot of gore stuff but it's all in a funny way with a goood sence of black humor :-) I'm not really a fan of serious lyrics haha but maybee one day i'll stat writing some sensual stuff for the lyrics :-)
I know some little Music concept like as Female fronted Brutal death metal USA, WARFACE, are you know as well with that band? But, Isa Iten Riffing More kickin as hell !!!! can you give me any detail description about it?
yeah i heard about warface lately and i checked their myspace, good stuff in there !
Well we had the release of the CD on the Mountains of Death Festival in August 08. So that was the first time people heard some new stuff from Carnal Decay and from my view it seemed like the reaction was very good hahaha.
For a brutal fuckin' Deathmetal album , it's as extremely attitude for some female Guitarist & Frontgirl. but you're is keep kickin Riffing perform just for the best Music extreme creation, What are the conceptual topics and theme(s) of the this album? I see too for some Violence, Gore, Death.
Yes we have a lot of gore stuff but it's all in a funny way with a goood sence of black humor :-) I'm not really a fan of serious lyrics haha but maybee one day i'll stat writing some sensual stuff for the lyrics :-)
I know some little Music concept like as Female fronted Brutal death metal USA, WARFACE, are you know as well with that band? But, Isa Iten Riffing More kickin as hell !!!! can you give me any detail description about it?
yeah i heard about warface lately and i checked their myspace, good stuff in there !

How does Isa Iten ( Guitarist ) squeeze out those Intense Killer Riffing, did he take lessons or something? And what are his methods to keep his Riff strong and able, especially during tours? very saludos for Isa Iten...
Thanks man ! well there's no big secret about it, just some power chords and single notes hahaha we're not doing complicated stuff. It's all about the simple ass kick !!! She didnt take lessons or so, it's all learning by doing !
How long did it take to record " Chopping Off the Head " in the studio? What equipment are you guys using? can you list some specific details about what you use? String sizes, pick size, pickups, etc... Please :)
I've bought some stuff by myself to record because studios in switzerland are way more expensive to rent than to buy some stuff :-) We needed 2 days to get the drums done, another 4 or five days to get the strings done and a lot of evenings for the vocals i have no idea how long that took hehe We're using pretty simple stuff. A Yamaha Drum with paiste cymbals. Jackson Dinky guitar with seymour duncan pickup. string sizes ?!? 56 to 13 i think.. B flat tuned like a sevenstring but without the high E. A Marshall GCDR100 the old solid state marshall that everybody hates with some EQ in the effects chain to take out the 500HZ buzz these amps seem to have. I'm using an SM58 in the studio as well and my Peavey bass with a basslines pickup that was normaly built for a music man. aguilar electronics and off course a sansamp directly into the desc.
Thanks man ! well there's no big secret about it, just some power chords and single notes hahaha we're not doing complicated stuff. It's all about the simple ass kick !!! She didnt take lessons or so, it's all learning by doing !
How long did it take to record " Chopping Off the Head " in the studio? What equipment are you guys using? can you list some specific details about what you use? String sizes, pick size, pickups, etc... Please :)
I've bought some stuff by myself to record because studios in switzerland are way more expensive to rent than to buy some stuff :-) We needed 2 days to get the drums done, another 4 or five days to get the strings done and a lot of evenings for the vocals i have no idea how long that took hehe We're using pretty simple stuff. A Yamaha Drum with paiste cymbals. Jackson Dinky guitar with seymour duncan pickup. string sizes ?!? 56 to 13 i think.. B flat tuned like a sevenstring but without the high E. A Marshall GCDR100 the old solid state marshall that everybody hates with some EQ in the effects chain to take out the 500HZ buzz these amps seem to have. I'm using an SM58 in the studio as well and my Peavey bass with a basslines pickup that was normaly built for a music man. aguilar electronics and off course a sansamp directly into the desc.

This is going to sound crazy, the artwork looks like a stylish Gore Comic invert the colors digitally... did this cross your minds or do I just have too much time on on your Mind?
well the artwork was done by a friend of us Franz Föhn, he allready made some good work with the first ever Carnal Decay shirts. We are very glad about having all that stuff done in our own rows so it's like a family work hahaha. It's noting digital, all handwork from Franz !!!
What has influenced each member for their respective position?
what a coustion, i thinks it's the simple love for brutal music that we all share !
What approach do you take to songwriting and who gets involved? You guys seem to incorporate a plethora of genres and influences into each song! and how with CD state with " Everything that blasts the shit out of your fucking face !!! " ?
we're writing the songs together, isa and i bring the guitar and bass lines and then we arrange it all together. Reto is mostly our Deathmetal guy so that's why he's only able to blast :-) Isa is more influenced by some kind of thrash and death and i love Hardcore so that's why we're grooving sometimes. The mix of it all is what we do. well those are our influences, everything that blasts the shit your fucking face ! there are too many bands to start listing them. I think you'll hear our influences by listening to our songs...
well the artwork was done by a friend of us Franz Föhn, he allready made some good work with the first ever Carnal Decay shirts. We are very glad about having all that stuff done in our own rows so it's like a family work hahaha. It's noting digital, all handwork from Franz !!!
What has influenced each member for their respective position?
what a coustion, i thinks it's the simple love for brutal music that we all share !
What approach do you take to songwriting and who gets involved? You guys seem to incorporate a plethora of genres and influences into each song! and how with CD state with " Everything that blasts the shit out of your fucking face !!! " ?
we're writing the songs together, isa and i bring the guitar and bass lines and then we arrange it all together. Reto is mostly our Deathmetal guy so that's why he's only able to blast :-) Isa is more influenced by some kind of thrash and death and i love Hardcore so that's why we're grooving sometimes. The mix of it all is what we do. well those are our influences, everything that blasts the shit your fucking face ! there are too many bands to start listing them. I think you'll hear our influences by listening to our songs...

all of you also good friendship with some Swiss brutal fuckin' Deathmetal ?? I Know some great name like as VISCERAL BLEEDING, SPAWN OF POSSESSION, SOILS OF FATE, and more, maybe you can add name for THE HIGH RECOMMEND KILLER BAND for Swiss brutal fuckin' Deathmetal Future?
Well the bands that you listed are all from sweden thats about 1000miles away from here :-) but for shure we have some good swiss bands ! Just check our labels homepage www. fastbeast. ch and you'll find good bands in there ! Or I like Censored very much they play a good grooving deathcore !!! Also be shure to check Requiem if you like malevolent creation, that band is like the swiss version of them. Lately i worked in the studio with "sexual disfunction" a new swiss band that's making some ass kicking brutal Death !
Well the bands that you listed are all from sweden thats about 1000miles away from here :-) but for shure we have some good swiss bands ! Just check our labels homepage www. fastbeast. ch and you'll find good bands in there ! Or I like Censored very much they play a good grooving deathcore !!! Also be shure to check Requiem if you like malevolent creation, that band is like the swiss version of them. Lately i worked in the studio with "sexual disfunction" a new swiss band that's making some ass kicking brutal Death !

I see for CD official website has be launched with One pages before till now, still under construction or ... ?? and i read for CD myspace, Your MySpace Profile Editor using ..nUCLEArcENTURy. COM..'s with some word " who the fuck gives a fuck about a fucking bio ? ", Just Kidding or What happened?
yeah we've started working on a homepage but somehow it never really happened :-) now the homepage is directly liked to the myspace site so there are all infos about when we play gigs and stuff. I dont really care about band bios it's allways the same thing: we know each other since blablabla and decided to make the most brutalblablablabla i mean who gives a fuck about all those stories ? If the music catches you then just enjoy it....

Please give me for 10 album Brutal Fuckin Death metal list for CD lifetime....
Ok this is my personal list:
1. Dying Fetus "Destroy the oppositon"
2. Hatebreed "all of them"
3. Covenance "The Wasting"
4. Misery Index "Traitors"
5. Gorgasm "all"
6. 100 Demons "100 Demons"
7. Deeds of Flesh "Reduced to Ashes"
8. Mudvayne "lost and found"
...... i dont know many things :-)
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them? keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
well thats a difficult question i would just say "Run forest, Ruuun !!!!" :-) Cheeers to everyone that was reading these lines and shurely to you Herry for the Interview !!! Keep the horns up, keep it sick, stay brutal and whatever !!!
Ok this is my personal list:
1. Dying Fetus "Destroy the oppositon"
2. Hatebreed "all of them"
3. Covenance "The Wasting"
4. Misery Index "Traitors"
5. Gorgasm "all"
6. 100 Demons "100 Demons"
7. Deeds of Flesh "Reduced to Ashes"
8. Mudvayne "lost and found"
...... i dont know many things :-)
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them? keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
well thats a difficult question i would just say "Run forest, Ruuun !!!!" :-) Cheeers to everyone that was reading these lines and shurely to you Herry for the Interview !!! Keep the horns up, keep it sick, stay brutal and whatever !!!

See you guys out on the road !!!
Michael and Carnal Decay
Carnal Decay Demo, 2003
Grotesque First Action Split, 2006
Carnal Pleasures Full-length, 2006
Chopping Off the Head Full-length, 2008
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