Interview With INFERI ( Nashville, Tennessee, Usa )
Interview With INFERI ( Nashville, Tennessee, Usa )

Update 02-02-2009 Interview By Herry SIC
Answered By Eric W. Brown - Drums
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the INFERI camp?
We started as a four-piece, but last year decided we would be even more bad ass if we got a bass player who could shred, and we regret nothing. The lineup is, and will always be: Malcolm (guitar), Chris (guitar), Josh (vocals), Nevin (bass) and Eric (drums).
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " The End of an Era ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Independent Release? Why Choosing It ? I Know Much Label Outhere For Release Great Stuff Like " The End of an Era ". How To manage some concerning promotion (ads, interviews, Gigz, ), CD packaging and so on? Are Inferi Busy with it ??
Well, due to personal commitments we've been forced into a hiatus for an unknown period of time. We decided to self-release it because it didn't work out with the label we signed to, and rather than dealing with several more months of bullshit we wanted people to have it, so we pressed copies ourselves and mailed them to anyone who wanted one. HOWEVER, recent news of a DIY label has surfaced, so we quickly retracted from making them ourselves because this new label wants to release it... so that should hit stores in a few months.
How would you compare " The End of an Era " to your previous releases, Like " Divinity in War " 2007 ? Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far?
Everything about it is better than the first- songwriting, speed, solos, production; but it's far from perfect. We liked the mixes we had initially, but the label didn't, so we had it re-mixed with a different guy, and there are things that are both better and worse about these second mixes. It's hard to judge with your own ear what people are hearing when they listen to it, but so far nobody has had anything bad to say about it- even though we can pinpoint every singly mistake made and everything that should have been done a different way.
Answered By Eric W. Brown - Drums
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the INFERI camp?
We started as a four-piece, but last year decided we would be even more bad ass if we got a bass player who could shred, and we regret nothing. The lineup is, and will always be: Malcolm (guitar), Chris (guitar), Josh (vocals), Nevin (bass) and Eric (drums).
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " The End of an Era ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Independent Release? Why Choosing It ? I Know Much Label Outhere For Release Great Stuff Like " The End of an Era ". How To manage some concerning promotion (ads, interviews, Gigz, ), CD packaging and so on? Are Inferi Busy with it ??
Well, due to personal commitments we've been forced into a hiatus for an unknown period of time. We decided to self-release it because it didn't work out with the label we signed to, and rather than dealing with several more months of bullshit we wanted people to have it, so we pressed copies ourselves and mailed them to anyone who wanted one. HOWEVER, recent news of a DIY label has surfaced, so we quickly retracted from making them ourselves because this new label wants to release it... so that should hit stores in a few months.
How would you compare " The End of an Era " to your previous releases, Like " Divinity in War " 2007 ? Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far?
Everything about it is better than the first- songwriting, speed, solos, production; but it's far from perfect. We liked the mixes we had initially, but the label didn't, so we had it re-mixed with a different guy, and there are things that are both better and worse about these second mixes. It's hard to judge with your own ear what people are hearing when they listen to it, but so far nobody has had anything bad to say about it- even though we can pinpoint every singly mistake made and everything that should have been done a different way.

Now that the album is out in the market, what's the next thing you have in mind? Are there major concerts to look forward to, or probably, a follow-up release? It seems like the debut new CD “The End of an Era ” on 2009 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
We don't really pay attention to things like that, one person's opinion was "best progressive death metal record of 2009," which is pretty flattering of course.
in spite of these line-up jumbles, the great music of the band is scarcely affected. How is this made possible? Was there any instance that maybe one of you did not approve of the turn-out of a release?
We are all in it to win it, the only line-up change we had was the addition of a bass player but nothing but far superior things musically have happened since his introduction into the band.
We don't really pay attention to things like that, one person's opinion was "best progressive death metal record of 2009," which is pretty flattering of course.
in spite of these line-up jumbles, the great music of the band is scarcely affected. How is this made possible? Was there any instance that maybe one of you did not approve of the turn-out of a release?
We are all in it to win it, the only line-up change we had was the addition of a bass player but nothing but far superior things musically have happened since his introduction into the band.

How did the recording process go? Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
It started well and ended disastrously. I personally don't like the way it sounds at this point, but it's close enough to not want to have to deal with it any more. It took way too fucking long and lots of money we didn't have.
Also, do you guys write more song material than you eventually use on the albums or do you only write a certain number of songs and refine them until you’re all satisfied with them? Furthermore, since you tour so much: does most of the song writing happen on the road or do you guys really jump into the rehearsal room and jam?
We don't really tour that much. Malcolm writes most of the material, and at any given time he has about 20 or 30 riffs, and once we think a song is done it's actually time for an overhaul. Writing typically takes place in front of the computer with a drum sequencer, and then brought to practice and smoothed out/changed up, etc.
It started well and ended disastrously. I personally don't like the way it sounds at this point, but it's close enough to not want to have to deal with it any more. It took way too fucking long and lots of money we didn't have.
Also, do you guys write more song material than you eventually use on the albums or do you only write a certain number of songs and refine them until you’re all satisfied with them? Furthermore, since you tour so much: does most of the song writing happen on the road or do you guys really jump into the rehearsal room and jam?
We don't really tour that much. Malcolm writes most of the material, and at any given time he has about 20 or 30 riffs, and once we think a song is done it's actually time for an overhaul. Writing typically takes place in front of the computer with a drum sequencer, and then brought to practice and smoothed out/changed up, etc.

" The End of an Era " is Mostly Release, How working this Material , I see Recorded by Andrija Tokic at The Bomb Shelter in Nashville, TN and Mixed and mastered by Zack Ohren of Castle Ultimate in Oakland, CA, how INFERI Include Pat Henry from Swashbuckle to Guest vocals on " Cursed Unholy " and Feature Additional Solo's from Mike Low and Matt Brown (Enfold Darkness) on " The Warrior's Infinite Opus (instrumental) " ?? are they some Cool Guys ?
Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on “The End of an Era ” are your favorite tracks?
We like all of them except the instrumental song.
With a decade of existence, how do you see INFERI in the years to come? Would there be any possibility of a genre shift? Please tell us more of your future plans.
The future is hard to judge at this point, since we were all but broken up a few months ago... but since we now have this label releasing the album, we're gonna take it one step at a time and see what happens while not really anticipating anything.
How long do you think you guys can keep this intensive touring up? It’s interesting that so many of the old metal bands are still touring frequently and often headlining festivals while they obviously can’t match their old quality level. The only exception seems to be Iron Maiden but bands like Metallica, Judas Priest (Rob needs to stop trying to sing!), Slayer are way past their prime yet still draw huge crowds. What I’m aiming at here is how long do you think INFERI can keep playing and releasing albums without becoming a parody of some kind?
We'll be doing this as long as we still enjoy what we do. Next question.
Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on “The End of an Era ” are your favorite tracks?
We like all of them except the instrumental song.
With a decade of existence, how do you see INFERI in the years to come? Would there be any possibility of a genre shift? Please tell us more of your future plans.
The future is hard to judge at this point, since we were all but broken up a few months ago... but since we now have this label releasing the album, we're gonna take it one step at a time and see what happens while not really anticipating anything.
How long do you think you guys can keep this intensive touring up? It’s interesting that so many of the old metal bands are still touring frequently and often headlining festivals while they obviously can’t match their old quality level. The only exception seems to be Iron Maiden but bands like Metallica, Judas Priest (Rob needs to stop trying to sing!), Slayer are way past their prime yet still draw huge crowds. What I’m aiming at here is how long do you think INFERI can keep playing and releasing albums without becoming a parody of some kind?
We'll be doing this as long as we still enjoy what we do. Next question.

Which of all your albums is your favorite, and if any, which one do you like least? Could you also name at least five of your favorite albums of all time?
I don't think it's possible to really narrow it down like that- anything with impeccable shred, or in my case, really fast catchy synthesizers.
How are Death metal Movement on Nashville, Tennessee scene for Now ?? How are About Popular Band like Destroy Destroy Destroy ( The New Cd on 2009 " Battle Slut, Is Very Great Cool stuff !!! .ed ) , Rainbow Dragon Eyes, Diskreet, A Loathing Requiem, Ninth Day Sin ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Nashville, Tennessee scene to day and future ??
Hm, interesting list. A Loathing Requiem is Malcolm's personal project, Rainbowdragoneyes is my own, Diskreet is from Kansas, and Ninth Day Sin I don't think has existed for quite some time. There's more stupid bullshit here than there is good stuff, so I stopped caring a long time ago.
Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as INFERI, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?
Best advice anyone can give is get the fuck off of myspace and practice your goddamn instrument. In the music business it's all about egos, money, and looking good- so prepare yourself for disappointment. As long as you're clearly good at what you do, really putting all of your effort into it and never half-assing anything, nobody can make fun of you.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Hail and kill.
I don't think it's possible to really narrow it down like that- anything with impeccable shred, or in my case, really fast catchy synthesizers.
How are Death metal Movement on Nashville, Tennessee scene for Now ?? How are About Popular Band like Destroy Destroy Destroy ( The New Cd on 2009 " Battle Slut, Is Very Great Cool stuff !!! .ed ) , Rainbow Dragon Eyes, Diskreet, A Loathing Requiem, Ninth Day Sin ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Nashville, Tennessee scene to day and future ??
Hm, interesting list. A Loathing Requiem is Malcolm's personal project, Rainbowdragoneyes is my own, Diskreet is from Kansas, and Ninth Day Sin I don't think has existed for quite some time. There's more stupid bullshit here than there is good stuff, so I stopped caring a long time ago.
Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as INFERI, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?
Best advice anyone can give is get the fuck off of myspace and practice your goddamn instrument. In the music business it's all about egos, money, and looking good- so prepare yourself for disappointment. As long as you're clearly good at what you do, really putting all of your effort into it and never half-assing anything, nobody can make fun of you.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Hail and kill.

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