Interview With HUMAN MASTICATION ( Davao, Philippines )
Interview With HUMAN MASTICATION ( Davao, Philippines )

Human Mastication Demo, 2002
Anthems for a collapsing New World Order Split, 2004
Masticate The Corpse (The Aftermath of Human Carving) Split, 2005
Promo Demo, 2005
The Gallery of Guttural Perversion Split, 2006
Promo Demo 2007 Demo, 2007
Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards Full-length, 2008

Update 09-01-2009 By Herry SIC
Answered By Gee - Vocals
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the HUMAN MASTICATION (HM) camp?
Well, Human Mastication was formed in 2002, and the present line-up is Jay on guitars, Siloy on bass, Kano on drums and Gee on vocals.
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards ", and what is the band doing now? Are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Sevared Records that label doing some Great Job for HM?
Thanks man! We’re glad we heard many positive things about the album... It’s just released Dec 15th, so I haven’t checked any new reviews on it. Right now we’re planning to play more shows here in our small place. Yeah we are satisfied with the result from the artwork and distribution/promotions of Sevared Records. Huge thanks to Barrett for the trust and support!
It seems like the debut new CD “Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards” on 2008 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
We get both positive and negative feedbacks by the metal scene worldwide. It’s ok if we received a worst feedback too. It’s pretty normal, and every people have different taste in music.
“Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards " is HM most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept?
Our song writing process in Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards is pretty similar to our previous materials. We throw loads of ideas on the music structure until we get satisfied with the final output and I will write the lyrics after the arrangements. Then we will start enter in the rehearsal studio to complete it. This time our present materials are more brutal and faster than the previous ones.
Answered By Gee - Vocals
Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the HUMAN MASTICATION (HM) camp?
Well, Human Mastication was formed in 2002, and the present line-up is Jay on guitars, Siloy on bass, Kano on drums and Gee on vocals.
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards ", and what is the band doing now? Are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Sevared Records that label doing some Great Job for HM?
Thanks man! We’re glad we heard many positive things about the album... It’s just released Dec 15th, so I haven’t checked any new reviews on it. Right now we’re planning to play more shows here in our small place. Yeah we are satisfied with the result from the artwork and distribution/promotions of Sevared Records. Huge thanks to Barrett for the trust and support!
It seems like the debut new CD “Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards” on 2008 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
We get both positive and negative feedbacks by the metal scene worldwide. It’s ok if we received a worst feedback too. It’s pretty normal, and every people have different taste in music.
“Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards " is HM most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept?
Our song writing process in Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards is pretty similar to our previous materials. We throw loads of ideas on the music structure until we get satisfied with the final output and I will write the lyrics after the arrangements. Then we will start enter in the rehearsal studio to complete it. This time our present materials are more brutal and faster than the previous ones.

There seems to be an even bigger influence present in these songs that on the likes of “Unparalleled Perversion" and "Cannibalistic Pedophile" give way to a much more Gory evil and bombastic HM than ever. How much of a part do classical composers play in terms of influencing the way you create your music?
Hmmm… I’m not sure what you want to find out from me in this question. But anyway when we creating our music, we are always trying to give tons of ideas and arrange the riffs to make it fit for us and make our music little bit different from other bands.
I still hearing for some style from Vomit Remnants, Devourment, Disgorge ( us ), Dying Fetus, Cephalotripsy, Dehumanized and Texas, Japanese Total slam Groovy to Mixture into One Style. Are you deal with me?? Or any Comment??
Yeah I agree with that. We’ve all influenced by some bands you named…
HM style very remind me too with Indonesian band called Jasad & Bleeding Corpse from Bandung, are you know that??
Yeah, I know Jasad... Awesome band! I have their cd from Witness to Annihilate… Killer stuffs!
Good work Drumming with Kano for this band, Kano keep Total on Music for everyday, everytime??
I don’t know... But Kano has plenty of bands… He is also the drummer of Internal Torture, 4hitz Combo etc…
Hmmm… I’m not sure what you want to find out from me in this question. But anyway when we creating our music, we are always trying to give tons of ideas and arrange the riffs to make it fit for us and make our music little bit different from other bands.
I still hearing for some style from Vomit Remnants, Devourment, Disgorge ( us ), Dying Fetus, Cephalotripsy, Dehumanized and Texas, Japanese Total slam Groovy to Mixture into One Style. Are you deal with me?? Or any Comment??
Yeah I agree with that. We’ve all influenced by some bands you named…
HM style very remind me too with Indonesian band called Jasad & Bleeding Corpse from Bandung, are you know that??
Yeah, I know Jasad... Awesome band! I have their cd from Witness to Annihilate… Killer stuffs!
Good work Drumming with Kano for this band, Kano keep Total on Music for everyday, everytime??
I don’t know... But Kano has plenty of bands… He is also the drummer of Internal Torture, 4hitz Combo etc…

Basing the lyrical concept of this album around the perverse yet Violent gore related to the acceptance of Gore saints, symbols and Sadistic into the Gore theme is something HM have explored on and off on the Cover album " Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards ". From what angle have you approached this subject on "Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards"?
I decided to put Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards as our album title because this is our debut full length and I would like to link it from the word Human Mastication. So I think Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards is the best title for it. Hehehe…
Your Cover artwork is Awesome, yeah Tony Koehl keep is a Great job for HM, are you enjoy for this result work Him??
Absolutely! Tony did a great job and we are satisfied the result of the artwork. It really fit with the album title…
Production-wise "Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding HM please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio?
Honestly, we are quite disappointed with result in our record, we have complains especially the bass and guitar sound. But it’s ok since this is our 1st serious recording, we learned some lessons from our errors etc…, and we will improve it and get better in our next release/recording. We’ll see… =)
I decided to put Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards as our album title because this is our debut full length and I would like to link it from the word Human Mastication. So I think Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards is the best title for it. Hehehe…
Your Cover artwork is Awesome, yeah Tony Koehl keep is a Great job for HM, are you enjoy for this result work Him??
Absolutely! Tony did a great job and we are satisfied the result of the artwork. It really fit with the album title…
Production-wise "Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding HM please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio?
Honestly, we are quite disappointed with result in our record, we have complains especially the bass and guitar sound. But it’s ok since this is our 1st serious recording, we learned some lessons from our errors etc…, and we will improve it and get better in our next release/recording. We’ll see… =)

Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix? Are you Enjoy working with Melvin at Polyfusion Studio?
We record our songs from April to Aug ’08. It’s a very long process because we decided to temporary stop or discontinue our recording in the middle of the record, due to some problems…
All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
I don’t know hehehe… One of our best shows is with Pus Vomit (Pus Vomit Davao tour). That show was fuckin tremendous!
What would be the ultimate Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-)
Disgorge US, Devourment, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Vomit Remnants, Deeds Of Flesh, Guttural Secrete, Brodequin, Liturgy and Cinerary…
How are Death metal Movement on your Country Philippines ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How are you with Puss Vomit, Internal Torture, Down From The Wound?? Are they keep staying exist now ??
Those bands you mentioned are awesome! Pus Vomit will release their debut full length very soon under Berdugo Recs, Internal Torture just released their split cd under Reverb Prods, and I think Down From The Wound writing their new materials for their 2nd album.. Watch out for that!
We record our songs from April to Aug ’08. It’s a very long process because we decided to temporary stop or discontinue our recording in the middle of the record, due to some problems…
All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
I don’t know hehehe… One of our best shows is with Pus Vomit (Pus Vomit Davao tour). That show was fuckin tremendous!
What would be the ultimate Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-)
Disgorge US, Devourment, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Vomit Remnants, Deeds Of Flesh, Guttural Secrete, Brodequin, Liturgy and Cinerary…
How are Death metal Movement on your Country Philippines ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How are you with Puss Vomit, Internal Torture, Down From The Wound?? Are they keep staying exist now ??
Those bands you mentioned are awesome! Pus Vomit will release their debut full length very soon under Berdugo Recs, Internal Torture just released their split cd under Reverb Prods, and I think Down From The Wound writing their new materials for their 2nd album.. Watch out for that!

Simple Question with your Opinion:
How fuckin Kickin Riffing: Diego Sanchez of Disgorge or John Gallagher Of Dying Fetus sound or Keisuke Vomit Remnants?
It’s very hard for me to choose because these guys you mentioned here are all great musician and they have their own styles creating their music! But personally, I choose both John G. of Dying Fetus and Diego S. of Disgorge US.
How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully: Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN??
Ricky M. of Disgorge US
How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment?
I prefer both Matty W. of Disgorge and Ruben R. of Devourment
Who fuckin 4 string hell Bassist for now from Human Mastication??
Siloy is the man! Hahaha..
Any Future next Plan soon HM??
Make more releases and play shows/gigs… =)
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them?
For me, human cloning is pretty ok for good purposes but humans are ambitious and easily tempt by greed and power. So all things are getting creepy with their bad intentions… About the flying cars, one of my dreams that I can drive one before I die hahaha....
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Ok man, thanks a lot for your time doing this interview with Human Mastication... All the best to your zine! Cheers…!!! Human Mastication debut full length album "Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards" out now on Sevared Records.
How fuckin Kickin Riffing: Diego Sanchez of Disgorge or John Gallagher Of Dying Fetus sound or Keisuke Vomit Remnants?
It’s very hard for me to choose because these guys you mentioned here are all great musician and they have their own styles creating their music! But personally, I choose both John G. of Dying Fetus and Diego S. of Disgorge US.
How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully: Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN??
Ricky M. of Disgorge US
How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment?
I prefer both Matty W. of Disgorge and Ruben R. of Devourment
Who fuckin 4 string hell Bassist for now from Human Mastication??
Siloy is the man! Hahaha..
Any Future next Plan soon HM??
Make more releases and play shows/gigs… =)
Thanks a ton, guys! Last question, and this one is a doozy. What are your views on stem cell research, human cloning, and the "organic computers" that are sure to result from combining "flesh" with "technology"? Flying cars are quickly becoming a reality as well, what do you think of them?
For me, human cloning is pretty ok for good purposes but humans are ambitious and easily tempt by greed and power. So all things are getting creepy with their bad intentions… About the flying cars, one of my dreams that I can drive one before I die hahaha....
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Ok man, thanks a lot for your time doing this interview with Human Mastication... All the best to your zine! Cheers…!!! Human Mastication debut full length album "Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards" out now on Sevared Records.

Human Mastication Demo, 2002
Anthems for a collapsing New World Order Split, 2004
Masticate The Corpse (The Aftermath of Human Carving) Split, 2005
Promo Demo, 2005
The Gallery of Guttural Perversion Split, 2006
Promo Demo 2007 Demo, 2007
Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards Full-length, 2008
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