Interview With SUPREME PAIN ( Netherlands )
Interview With SUPREME PAIN ( Netherlands )

Interview With SUPREME PAIN ( Netherlands )
Update 14-02-2009 Interview By Herry SIC

Interview With SUPREME PAIN ( Netherlands )
Update 14-02-2009 Interview By Herry SIC
Answered By Erwin Harreman - Guitar
SUPREME PAIN started in summer 2006 when Erwin, Aad (vocalist of Sinister and Infinited Hate) and Robi (from Slovenian deathmetallers Scaffold) joined forces to create death metal with the sick fast blasting brutality of today combined with the old school feeling. After a couple of rehearsals Supreme Pain decided to record a promo CD titled LIFELESS SKIN AND BONES. This promo was recorded and released in december 2006. This resulted in a deal with U.S. Comatose Music owned by Steve Green (Lust Of Decay and Atrocious Abnormality). Supreme Pain started to work on songs for the full lenght CD entitled CADAVER PLEASURES. During this Supreme Pain was joined by guitarist Bas Brussaard(Fondlecorpse). It was the intension that he would only play a couple of solo's but it worked out so great that he became permanent member of the Supreme Pain family. The drums were recorded in Negligence Sound Studios in Slovenia and all guitars and vocals were recorded at the Garden Shed Of Horror Studio in The Netherlands. Mixing took place at Excess Studios in The Netherlands and the mastering was done at Sound Lab Studios in U.S. The result is crushing and mindblowing!!!! This death metal piece of brutality was released on 15th of april 2008. Pure brutal death metal sickness is unleashed. A few months after the release drummer Robert Kovacic was replaced by Toep Duin (Putrefied, Blastcorps and many more). Robi did not commit himself to the supreme brutality so replacement was the only option. And Tadej Cholewa (Scaffold) became the bassplayer. Recently Supreme Pain signed a contract with Metal Age Productions from Slovakia to release the second full lenght CD. Currently Supreme Pain is writing new music for the upcoming release wich will have the title NEMESIS ENFORCER. Expect brutal sick blasting death metal !!! So Supreme Pain is back on full strenght and ready to create blasting death metal sickness !!!! Ready to play live gigs and spread the supreme death metal hell !!! DESECRATE THE FLESH BEFORE MY EYES !!! CADAVER PLEASURES - SAVAGE DESIRE !!!
SUPREME PAIN started in summer 2006 when Erwin, Aad (vocalist of Sinister and Infinited Hate) and Robi (from Slovenian deathmetallers Scaffold) joined forces to create death metal with the sick fast blasting brutality of today combined with the old school feeling. After a couple of rehearsals Supreme Pain decided to record a promo CD titled LIFELESS SKIN AND BONES. This promo was recorded and released in december 2006. This resulted in a deal with U.S. Comatose Music owned by Steve Green (Lust Of Decay and Atrocious Abnormality). Supreme Pain started to work on songs for the full lenght CD entitled CADAVER PLEASURES. During this Supreme Pain was joined by guitarist Bas Brussaard(Fondlecorpse). It was the intension that he would only play a couple of solo's but it worked out so great that he became permanent member of the Supreme Pain family. The drums were recorded in Negligence Sound Studios in Slovenia and all guitars and vocals were recorded at the Garden Shed Of Horror Studio in The Netherlands. Mixing took place at Excess Studios in The Netherlands and the mastering was done at Sound Lab Studios in U.S. The result is crushing and mindblowing!!!! This death metal piece of brutality was released on 15th of april 2008. Pure brutal death metal sickness is unleashed. A few months after the release drummer Robert Kovacic was replaced by Toep Duin (Putrefied, Blastcorps and many more). Robi did not commit himself to the supreme brutality so replacement was the only option. And Tadej Cholewa (Scaffold) became the bassplayer. Recently Supreme Pain signed a contract with Metal Age Productions from Slovakia to release the second full lenght CD. Currently Supreme Pain is writing new music for the upcoming release wich will have the title NEMESIS ENFORCER. Expect brutal sick blasting death metal !!! So Supreme Pain is back on full strenght and ready to create blasting death metal sickness !!!! Ready to play live gigs and spread the supreme death metal hell !!! DESECRATE THE FLESH BEFORE MY EYES !!! CADAVER PLEASURES - SAVAGE DESIRE !!!

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the SUPREME PAIN camp?
Hello! Well this is the current and best line-up: Aad Kloosterwaard - Vocals. Erwin Harreman - Guitar. Bas Brussaard - Guitar. Tadej Cholewa - Bass. Toep Duin - Drums.
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Cadaver Pleasures ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with North Carolina label Comatose Music ( Hello Steve !! .Ed ), that label doing some Great Job for SUPREME PAIN ? so far concerning promotion (ads, interviews), CD packaging and so on?
Thanx. The reactions on Cadaver Pleasures are very good, we had some cool reviews on it. And Steve from Comatose Music did a very good job with packaging and promotion for Supreme Pain. He also arranged some cool t-shirts aswell. We just finished the recordings and from now on we will practise the live set.
How would you compare " Cadaver Pleasures " to your previous releases, Like " Lifeless Skin and Bones ' Demo 2007 ? Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far
Cadaver Pleasures is a step forward for Supreme Pain. And it turned out very good. Good production and we all like the songs how they turned out.
Hello! Well this is the current and best line-up: Aad Kloosterwaard - Vocals. Erwin Harreman - Guitar. Bas Brussaard - Guitar. Tadej Cholewa - Bass. Toep Duin - Drums.
First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Cadaver Pleasures ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with North Carolina label Comatose Music ( Hello Steve !! .Ed ), that label doing some Great Job for SUPREME PAIN ? so far concerning promotion (ads, interviews), CD packaging and so on?
Thanx. The reactions on Cadaver Pleasures are very good, we had some cool reviews on it. And Steve from Comatose Music did a very good job with packaging and promotion for Supreme Pain. He also arranged some cool t-shirts aswell. We just finished the recordings and from now on we will practise the live set.
How would you compare " Cadaver Pleasures " to your previous releases, Like " Lifeless Skin and Bones ' Demo 2007 ? Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far
Cadaver Pleasures is a step forward for Supreme Pain. And it turned out very good. Good production and we all like the songs how they turned out.

Now that the album is out in the market, what's the next thing you have in mind? Are there major concerts to look forward to, or probably, a follow-up release? It seems like the debut new CD “Cadaver Pleasures ” on 2008 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
We just finished the recordings of our second release Nemesis Enforcer. And we will try to play as many live gigs as possible. Cadaver Pleasures was received very well and to be honoust i didn't read any worse review, so that's cool hehe
Tell Me for some Little New Material Cd " Nemesis Enforcer " are start will be recordings soon ... how compare material SUPREME PAIN now with " Cadaver Pleasures "
For the recordings we went to Soundlodge Studio from producer Joerg Uken who also worked with bands as Sinister, God Dethroned, Dew-Scented etc. And this album is a step forward for Supreme Pain. On Cadaver Pleasures i wrote all the music. Lead guitarist Bas Brussaard joined the band after all the songs were finished so he added his solo's and a few harmonies. On the new cd we both were writing the songs and made the arrangements together. So Bas contributed more. And we have 2 new members who also contributed their style in the new songs. Tadej Cholewa our bassplayer made some cool basslines and drummer Toep Duin created some grazy rythems. So in the end the new material is better in balance. But still it is brutal fast and sick with the old school groove !!! I think people will be suprised by the result. It is all more mature. Better songs and better sound/production.
We just finished the recordings of our second release Nemesis Enforcer. And we will try to play as many live gigs as possible. Cadaver Pleasures was received very well and to be honoust i didn't read any worse review, so that's cool hehe
Tell Me for some Little New Material Cd " Nemesis Enforcer " are start will be recordings soon ... how compare material SUPREME PAIN now with " Cadaver Pleasures "
For the recordings we went to Soundlodge Studio from producer Joerg Uken who also worked with bands as Sinister, God Dethroned, Dew-Scented etc. And this album is a step forward for Supreme Pain. On Cadaver Pleasures i wrote all the music. Lead guitarist Bas Brussaard joined the band after all the songs were finished so he added his solo's and a few harmonies. On the new cd we both were writing the songs and made the arrangements together. So Bas contributed more. And we have 2 new members who also contributed their style in the new songs. Tadej Cholewa our bassplayer made some cool basslines and drummer Toep Duin created some grazy rythems. So in the end the new material is better in balance. But still it is brutal fast and sick with the old school groove !!! I think people will be suprised by the result. It is all more mature. Better songs and better sound/production.

Second Full lenght " Nemesis Enforcer " Cover Artwork For Coming soon !!!
Released By Metal Age Productions 2009
SUPREME PAIN has gone through a couple of changes in Drummer, and for this album, the " Lifeless Skin and Bones ' Demo 2007 " line-up is restored. Will this line-up last this time? Are Robert Kovacic ex-members planning to rejoin the band someday, or is there any current member who might resign again?
Well we only had one change in drummer. And Robert will never be part of Supreme Pain again. He said he didn't had time anymore so we repleaced him with Toep Duin and Toep is a great drummer and person. And with Toep in our ranks Supreme Pain made a step forward. We now have a good line-up: Aad Kloosterwaard-Vocals. Erwin Harreman-Guitar. Bas Brussaard-Guitar. Tadej Cholewa-Bass. Toep Duin-Drums. So with this line-up we will continue Supreme Pain death metal sickness !!!
Released By Metal Age Productions 2009
SUPREME PAIN has gone through a couple of changes in Drummer, and for this album, the " Lifeless Skin and Bones ' Demo 2007 " line-up is restored. Will this line-up last this time? Are Robert Kovacic ex-members planning to rejoin the band someday, or is there any current member who might resign again?
Well we only had one change in drummer. And Robert will never be part of Supreme Pain again. He said he didn't had time anymore so we repleaced him with Toep Duin and Toep is a great drummer and person. And with Toep in our ranks Supreme Pain made a step forward. We now have a good line-up: Aad Kloosterwaard-Vocals. Erwin Harreman-Guitar. Bas Brussaard-Guitar. Tadej Cholewa-Bass. Toep Duin-Drums. So with this line-up we will continue Supreme Pain death metal sickness !!!

But in spite of these line-up jumbles, the great music of the band is scarcely affected. How is this made possible? Was there any instance that maybe one of you did not approve of the turn-out of a release? Especially Featured Aad Kloosterwaard ( Man Of Behind The Veteran Netherlands Death Metal SINISTER )
Aad and I are friends for about 20 years. And we just came up with the idea to create a death metal band, different then Sinister so we just started. Aad is a experienced guy and also great vocalist. I wrote all the music for the first release and we got in contact with Steve from Comatose Music and he offered us a deal to release our debut cd Cadaver Pleasures.
How did the recording process go? Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
The recordings of Cadaver Pleasures went good. Robert recorded his drums in his country Slovenia then all drumtracks were sended to me and we recorded all guitars, bass and vocals at The Garden Shed of Horrors were also Fondlecorpse records. After that we mixed all the songs at Excess Studios. And we are all very pleased with the result. And i found the drums placement good in the mix. It's a part of the music it hink all instrumets are well balanced on Cadaver Pleasures. Off course it can always be better but it all depends on time and budget. The new cd Nemesis Enforcer will sound better because we had more time and budget and a better studio and producer.
Aad and I are friends for about 20 years. And we just came up with the idea to create a death metal band, different then Sinister so we just started. Aad is a experienced guy and also great vocalist. I wrote all the music for the first release and we got in contact with Steve from Comatose Music and he offered us a deal to release our debut cd Cadaver Pleasures.
How did the recording process go? Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
The recordings of Cadaver Pleasures went good. Robert recorded his drums in his country Slovenia then all drumtracks were sended to me and we recorded all guitars, bass and vocals at The Garden Shed of Horrors were also Fondlecorpse records. After that we mixed all the songs at Excess Studios. And we are all very pleased with the result. And i found the drums placement good in the mix. It's a part of the music it hink all instrumets are well balanced on Cadaver Pleasures. Off course it can always be better but it all depends on time and budget. The new cd Nemesis Enforcer will sound better because we had more time and budget and a better studio and producer.

Also, do you guys write more song material than you eventually use on the albums/Demos or do you only write a certain number of songs and refine them until you’re all satisfied with them? Furthermore, since you tour so much: does most of the song writing happen on the road or do you guys really jump into the rehearsal room and jam?
Well Bas and I JUST write alot of riffs and then later we pick out the best parts and from that weare going to write the songs and arrangements. We use a drumcomputer to make some basic drumpatterns. We record it at home and send it to te other members for feedback. If we have a couple of songs completed we going to rehearse them with drummer Toep and he will add his drumparts and majbe few changes. When the song is complete i write the lyrics and Aad will create his vocals. We don't jam in the rehearsal room most of the songs are completed only some changes in rythems.
" Cadaver Pleasures " is Mostly Release, How working this Material with not same Place, I see Drums Recorded at Negligence Studio in Slovenia , Guitars, Bass & Vocals The Garden Shed of Horror Studio in The Netherlands, Mixed at Excess Studio in The Netherlands, and Mastered at Sound Lab Studios, Columbia South Carolina USA by: Rob Moore, are the band has get The Great Result For It ?? are enjoy Working with Rob Moore ?
The way Cadaver Pleasures is recorded was the easiest way at that moment. Robert lives in Slovenia so it was the easiest to record the drums there. Other recordings and mixing in Netherlands. And Mastering in Sound Lab because Steve could arange that with Bob Moore. We sended the mixed songs to Bob and he mastered them and the result was great.
Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on “Cadaver Pleasures” are your favorite tracks?
Well i like them all !!! But Blood Of The Chosen. Drowned In Hate. and Visions Of Tyranny turned out as great songs.
Well Bas and I JUST write alot of riffs and then later we pick out the best parts and from that weare going to write the songs and arrangements. We use a drumcomputer to make some basic drumpatterns. We record it at home and send it to te other members for feedback. If we have a couple of songs completed we going to rehearse them with drummer Toep and he will add his drumparts and majbe few changes. When the song is complete i write the lyrics and Aad will create his vocals. We don't jam in the rehearsal room most of the songs are completed only some changes in rythems.
" Cadaver Pleasures " is Mostly Release, How working this Material with not same Place, I see Drums Recorded at Negligence Studio in Slovenia , Guitars, Bass & Vocals The Garden Shed of Horror Studio in The Netherlands, Mixed at Excess Studio in The Netherlands, and Mastered at Sound Lab Studios, Columbia South Carolina USA by: Rob Moore, are the band has get The Great Result For It ?? are enjoy Working with Rob Moore ?
The way Cadaver Pleasures is recorded was the easiest way at that moment. Robert lives in Slovenia so it was the easiest to record the drums there. Other recordings and mixing in Netherlands. And Mastering in Sound Lab because Steve could arange that with Bob Moore. We sended the mixed songs to Bob and he mastered them and the result was great.
Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on “Cadaver Pleasures” are your favorite tracks?
Well i like them all !!! But Blood Of The Chosen. Drowned In Hate. and Visions Of Tyranny turned out as great songs.

With a decade of existence, how do you see SUPREME PAIN in the years to come? Would there be any possibility of a genre shift? Please tell us more of your future plans.
Supreme Pain will always be a brutal death metal band we will never have a genre shift as i like playing death metal. Our future plans is keep writing and recording new music. Getting better with every release and try to play live gigs as much as possible and on as many places/countries as possible !!!
How long do you think you guys can keep this intensive touring up? It’s interesting that so many of the old metal bands are still touring frequently and often headlining festivals while they obviously can’t match their old quality level. The only exception seems to be Iron Maiden but bands like Metallica, Judas Priest (Rob needs to stop trying to sing!), Slayer are way past their prime yet still draw huge crowds. What I’m aiming at here is how long do you think SUPREME PAIN can keep playing and releasing albums without becoming a parody of some kind?
Well we don't tour alot. We all have regular jobs and also family live with kids so long tours is hard to combine. So for us making music is not our daily job we just make the music we like most and we are not pushed by managers and labels. So therefore i think we can do this for a very long time without becoming a parody. We will be a death metal band and we will always try to get better every time. And i think there is alot of progress to come in then future of Supreme Pain.
Which of all your albums is your favorite, and if any, which one do you like least? Could you also name at least five of your favorite albums of all time?
Well i think the new album Nemesis Enforcer has some of the best songs Supreme Pain made so far. My top 5 mmmm let me see i will tell you the bands i am inluenced the most they all recorded several great songs and albums: Suffocation - Dying Fetus - Zyklon - Bloodbath - Krisiun - Hate Eternal well just a few i listen to so many bands and all the time new bands come around.
Supreme Pain will always be a brutal death metal band we will never have a genre shift as i like playing death metal. Our future plans is keep writing and recording new music. Getting better with every release and try to play live gigs as much as possible and on as many places/countries as possible !!!
How long do you think you guys can keep this intensive touring up? It’s interesting that so many of the old metal bands are still touring frequently and often headlining festivals while they obviously can’t match their old quality level. The only exception seems to be Iron Maiden but bands like Metallica, Judas Priest (Rob needs to stop trying to sing!), Slayer are way past their prime yet still draw huge crowds. What I’m aiming at here is how long do you think SUPREME PAIN can keep playing and releasing albums without becoming a parody of some kind?
Well we don't tour alot. We all have regular jobs and also family live with kids so long tours is hard to combine. So for us making music is not our daily job we just make the music we like most and we are not pushed by managers and labels. So therefore i think we can do this for a very long time without becoming a parody. We will be a death metal band and we will always try to get better every time. And i think there is alot of progress to come in then future of Supreme Pain.
Which of all your albums is your favorite, and if any, which one do you like least? Could you also name at least five of your favorite albums of all time?
Well i think the new album Nemesis Enforcer has some of the best songs Supreme Pain made so far. My top 5 mmmm let me see i will tell you the bands i am inluenced the most they all recorded several great songs and albums: Suffocation - Dying Fetus - Zyklon - Bloodbath - Krisiun - Hate Eternal well just a few i listen to so many bands and all the time new bands come around.

How are Death metal Movement on Netherlands scene for Now ?? How are About Popular Band like Infinited Hate, Blastcorps, Houwitser, Thanatos, Ceremony, Scaffold, Putrefied, Unlord, Cardinal, Consolation, and FondleCorpse ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Netherlands scene to day and future ??
There are alot of new bands and also some old bands reunited. Also some old bands will never return. So i think the scene is pretty ok. Also the guys from FondleCorpse are great i played the rythem guitar on their new album, Creaturegore. And of course the veterans of Sinister are great guys to hang out with. New comer to the scene is Weapons To Hunt is a new band with members of Infinited Hate. I think this will turn out very good. I heard some demo tracks and it sounds very cool.
Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as SUPREME PAIN, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?
Well to be honoust i have no idea. Nothing can change so fast as the music industry including underground death metal. For example Prostitute Disfigurement was a very promising band but now the it can change fast. And no idea if there will be a band do a cover or one of our songs, would be cool but i have no idea if it will happen.Short advice, always be yourself don't change your additute. I see it happening to much that people change into some assholes if they become succesful or if people tell them how great they are.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thanx it was my pleasure to share this digital tea party hahaha. And Supreme Pain will be there for all you crazy death metal fans around !!!! Stay Brutal and sick !!! Supreme Death Metal GreetZ !!!!
There are alot of new bands and also some old bands reunited. Also some old bands will never return. So i think the scene is pretty ok. Also the guys from FondleCorpse are great i played the rythem guitar on their new album, Creaturegore. And of course the veterans of Sinister are great guys to hang out with. New comer to the scene is Weapons To Hunt is a new band with members of Infinited Hate. I think this will turn out very good. I heard some demo tracks and it sounds very cool.
Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as SUPREME PAIN, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?
Well to be honoust i have no idea. Nothing can change so fast as the music industry including underground death metal. For example Prostitute Disfigurement was a very promising band but now the it can change fast. And no idea if there will be a band do a cover or one of our songs, would be cool but i have no idea if it will happen.Short advice, always be yourself don't change your additute. I see it happening to much that people change into some assholes if they become succesful or if people tell them how great they are.
Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thanx it was my pleasure to share this digital tea party hahaha. And Supreme Pain will be there for all you crazy death metal fans around !!!! Stay Brutal and sick !!! Supreme Death Metal GreetZ !!!!

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